Sunday, June 26, 2022

Roe V Wade


Roe vs Wade is a multi-faceted subject charged with decades of emotions on both sides, for one never thought I would see this overturned in my lifetime and I still have mixed emotions on this one, and here's why. 

 Roe was decided based on the 14th amendment which guarantees a relatively broad right of privacy in regards to procreation, child-rearing, marriage, and medical treatment. Overturning it allows them to set a precedent for future objections to new laws (and mandates) interfering with your freedoms in terms of procreation, child-rearing, marriage, and medical treatment. 

The "my body my choice" argument was just removed from the court of law. Don't you find it interesting that CV19 clot shots 💉 for infants were authorized just a few days earlier? 

In May the US quietly signed on to the international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness with the W.H.O. that bypasses all constitutional rights of every country during a pandemic and gives the global governance over to the WHO. Forced injections and military intervention "for your health" and for the "health of your children" are now on the table. 

The elites will not give up something this huge without gaining something more in return.

- asked to remain anonomous

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