Rev 2:2 “I know your works, and your labor, and your endurance, and that you are not able to bear evil ones, and have tried those who say they are emissaries and are not, and have found them false;
Rev 2:3 and you have been bearing up and have endurance, and have labored for My Name’s sake and have not become weary.
Rev 2:5 “So remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the first works, or else I shall come to you speedily and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
Do you remember when you first confessed with your mouth that our Messiah was your Master and believed in your heart that He was raised from the dead? (Romans 10:9)
Do you remember how in love with Him you once were?
Back before it became a religious "to-do" list to worship Him, spend time with Him, and read His Love Letter to Yisrael and those grafted-in that we call "The Bible?"
Do you remember what it was like when you would wake up and He was the first thing on your mind?
This is what "The Wilderness" is all about. Wherever the Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night went the Hebrews followed, and wherever it settled they settled. (Numbers 9:31-32)
From H1696 in the sense of driving; a pasture (that is, open field, whither cattle are driven); by implication a desert; also speech (including its organs): - desert, south, speech, wilderness.
Total KJV occurrences: 271
Psa 23:1 יהוה is my shepherd; I do not lack.
Psa 23:2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters.
Psa 23:3 He turns back1 my being; He leads me in paths of righteousness For His Name’s sake. Footnote: 1Or He converts.
Psa 23:4 When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Psa 23:5 You spread before me a table in the face of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup runs over.
Psa 23:6 Only goodness and kindness follow me All the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the House of יהוה, To the length of days!
By Faith, the Hebrews followed Moses as he led them out of Mistrayim (Egypt) through a place that was unknown to the Promised Land a place flowing with milk and honey that He had promised to their ancestor Abraham in Genesis 12.
Before their Exodus (exit) from Egypt was more physically centered and focused, but now I believe that our Exodus of Egypt aka Mystery Babylon is more spiritual than it is a physical exodus.
For some of us, the Spiritual Exodus manifested into a physical exodus away from Her cities and away from depending upon Her.
Maybe you have a story similar to mine, where I left a cushy Corporate American well-paying career to go back and learn how to work with my hands, just so I wouldn't have to take The Mark of the Beast, get tested, or even wear a mask.
The Clarion Call has indeed gone out: COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.1 Footnote: 1Jer. 51:6 & 45.
Rev 18:5 “Because her sins have piled up to reach the heaven, and Elohim has remembered her unrighteousness.
Ever since this plandemic was declared on March 11th, 2020, THEY have been "all in this together."
"All in this TOGETHER," All in this TO GET HER, who's Her? The Bride.
Do you know WHOSE logo this is? It is the WHO's logo, that serpent of old called the Devil WHO's here to HELLP you....*hiss*
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads all the world astray. He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.
Mat 24:4 And יהושע answering, said to them, “Take heed that no one leads you astray.
Rev 18:23 “And the light of a lamp shall not shine in you any more at all. And the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you any more at all. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery all the nations were led astray.
Wow! Just got a lightning rod of a download! WHO the W.H.O. leads the WHOLE WORLD ASTRAY!
Anyway, back to the teaching...
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads all the world astray. He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.
Rev 12:12 “Because of this rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has little time.”
Why do you think Trump (The Beast aka Antichrist) chose the name "Operation Warp Speed?"
Because he knows that he has little time, or his time is short!
On March 11th, 2020 the WHO declared a "global pandemic," this is when I believe "Jacob's Trouble" began.
This is when I believe The Beast system began to take over and rule for his 42-month stint. Why?
Because Yahuah showed me that the dates they use correlate to Scriptures:
Est 3:11 And the sovereign said to Haman, “The silver and the people are given to you, to do with them as seems good to you.”
For more on this topic, please watch this video for time's sake: - The Beast's Feasts - Purim and Hannukah
On March 11th, 2020 The Beast was given power and authority through a spirit of deception.
Rev 6:2 And I looked and saw a white horse, and he who sat on it holding a bow. And a crown was given to him, and he went out overcoming and to overcome.
Who gives the rider of the white horse a crown? Yahusha does because HE's holding the scroll being broken (Rev 4-5)
What happened next?
"15 days to flatten the curve..."
"Wear a mask," "Practice social distancing..."
"Get tested," "Isolate" "Quarantine"
What day are we on again of the world's "deadliest pandemic?"
We're on day 814 of two weeks to flatten the curve...
Does anyone think we're still going "back to normal?"
Right as the season of Shavuot was coming in 2020 on May 15th, 2020 President Donald J. Trump announced "Operation Warp Speed," which is a play on words from Revelation 12:12 and 12:17.
They were trying to warp or destroy the seed of Abraham and do it at warp speed.
Warp seed at Warp Speed.
On March 26th, 2020 Yahuah showed me by His Spirit, that THEY were searching for the Seed of Abraham (Rev 12:17) through the bogus PCR tests.
By the Spirit, He told me, "Do not get tested" "The Test is from Me, not for a 'virus'."
Rev 3:10 “Because you have guarded My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell on the earth.
Rev 3:10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
Luk 21:35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.
He then had me release this video entitled "This is only a Test..." - Deleted from YT for too much truth - whole vid on FB live
He told me that the "test" was from Him and to TEST to see who studied His Word to show themselves approved, and who was just caught up in the cares of this life and things of this world and in grave danger of being given over to the Strong Delusion that was sweeping the world through the spirit of deception of the first horse. Revelation 6:2
That is why the testing centers are called "testing centers."
This is why the test is called a "test."
Websters defines "test" as follows:
: a critical examination, observation, or evaluation : TRIALspecifically : the procedure of submitting a statement to such conditions or operations as will lead to its proof or disproof or to its acceptance or rejection
a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. - Oxford
Interestingly enough, ever since Operation Warp Speed began, the world has been involved in a "trial" or more specifically a vaccine trial.
Rev 3:10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
THIS is what Revelation 3:10 in context is speaking about, beloved you are and have been in the midst of the "testing" and "trials" all around you.
It is safe to say then, IF He (not our own might, power, strength, or knowledge, but by His Spirit Zech 4:4) kept us from the hour of TRIAL, then isn't safe to say that we would be part of the Assembly of Philadelphia?
In my personal opinion, I truly believe that His Bride (144,000) is already hidden (Psalm 91) and the Beast cannot find her.
Rev 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
Rev 12:14 And the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, to fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
Rev 12:15 And out of his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river after the woman, to cause her to be swept away by the river.
Rev 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
Rev 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of יהושע Messiah.
The Dragon metaphorically through everything at Her to try and cause her to be swept away in the chaos (which water represents) and delusion.
When the Dragon finds out that The Bride is hidden, then he will soon turn and come after her the remnant of her seed.
Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:29, Revelation 12:17.
Gen 3:15 “And I put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed1. He shall crush your head, and you shall crush His heel.”
Gal 3:29 And if you are of Messiah, then you are seed of Aḇraham, and heirs according to promise.
Satan had no authority to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden, he had to trick them into giving up their authority to him.
Satan has no authority to keep you out of the New Jerusalem, so he tries to trick and deceive us.
2020 was about TESTing, seeking the seed of Abraham.
2021 was about eliminating the seed of Abraham so that THEY can inherit the earth and Yahusha won't come back LOL but that's what Psalm 2 is about.
John 10:10 clearly tells us who Satan is.
The Thief does not come, but to steal, kill, and destroy.
Steal your birthright into The Kingdom - calling all Esau's Genesis 25
Kill your body through these demonic concoctions
Destroy your soul in the Lake of Fire which is his destination through the DNA altering gene therapy that the Bible calls The Mark of The Beast.
On December 14th, 2020 (the same day there was a Geminid meteor shower) the first Mark was given in Babylon, NY. - Ironically Trump is a Gemini...
Rev 12:14 And the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, to fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
I believe that this date, the day of the Abomination of Desolation, was the day that the Bride was hidden and taken to place in the wilderness to be nourished for a time, times, and half a time or 42 months.
This is also the day that I believe Daniel's 1290 timeline began.
Dan 12:11 “And from the time that which is continual is taken away, and the abomination that lays waste is set up, is one thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Mat 24:15 “So when you see the ‘abomination that lays waste,’1 spoken of by Dani’ĕl the prophet, set up in the set-apart place” – he who reads, let him understand –
The End Time Abomination of Desolation took place right around the same time that Antiochus Epiphanes committed the AOD inside the lesser physical temple in 168 BCE during the time of Maccabees. - The Abomination of Desolation 12/10/2020 4 days before it happened.
Let me be clear that when I mention these timelines, I am not trying to predict when our Messiah returns, but I'm simply relaying the information that I was given.
The Beast reigns for a total of 42 months.
Trump is STILL the last POTUS of the United States because, on March 13th, 2020 (Friday the 13th) Trump suspended the Constitution by enabling the Stafford Act and signed the Country over to FEMA which has been in control ever since.
Oh, Trump ALSO had a seemingly deadly wound, remember when he got the Rona?
For three days and nights, he was in the hospital and then "healed..."
Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads, as having been slain to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the earth marveled after the beast.
From G4141; a stroke; by implication a wound; figuratively a calamity: - plague, stripe, wound (-ed).
Total KJV occurrences: 21
From the same as G2324; to wait upon menially, that is, (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specifically) to relieve (of disease): - cure, heal, worship.
Total KJV occurrences: 44
For more on this subject, check out these two Rumble teachings: - The Illusion of Choice
Rev 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast. And they worshipped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to fight with him?”
Rev 13:5 And he was given a mouth speaking great matters and blasphemies, and he was given authority to do so forty-two months.
Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against Elohim, to blaspheme His Name, and His Tent, and those dwelling in the heaven.
Rev 13:7 And it was given to him to fight with the set-apart ones and to overcome them. And authority was given to him over every tribe and tongue and nation.
WHO gave authority to the Beast?
Rev 13:4 And they 👉worshipped the dragon👈 👉who gave authority to the beast.👈 And they worshipped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to fight with him?”
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, 👉who leads all the world astray.👈 He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.
He WHO has ears to HEAR let him HEAR!
The Beast is Trump, the Dragon (WHO) gave him his authority be declaring the plandemic on March 11th, 2020 this enabled Trump to sign the country over to FEMA and suspend the Constitution.
Okay, I gotta wrap this up and get ready for my tryout at a new construction company.
If you left Mystery Babylon ie your cushy career, cities etc so you didn't have to wear masks, get tested, and ultimately take His Mark then you're in the wilderness with Yahuah already.
Bamidbar is The Wilderness, it's about forsaking what we once knew and was "normal" or familiar to us and embracing the journey as He leads and guides us.
Sorry for the long post, I didn't plan this, but just went with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for reading.
Num 6:24 “יהוה bless you and guard you;
Num 6:25 יהוה make His face shine upon you, and show favor to you;
Num 6:26 יהוה lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.” ’
Shalom and keep your eyes on The One seated upon The Throne!
Our King is coming soon! Endure til The End!