Friday, June 9, 2023

- Watchman - The role and purpose of a watchman


- Watchman - 


After being continually disgusted in my spirit over what I'm continually being subjected to seeing on my Facebook feed, I woke up this morning with a sense of urgency to tell a bit of my story and journey as a "watchman."  To give a Biblical explanation of what a watchman is and does, and what he isn't and doesn't do.  I will try to be as thorough, but also brief as I am able. 

When people mention Watchman, they usually think immediately of Ezekiel 33:3 

Eze 33:2  "Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: 'When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 

Eze 33:3  when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 

Eze 33:4  then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head.

Then, under this context of "warning," they start watching the news, articles, TikTok, and YouTube videos for their information so that they can "warn" the people.

They become obsessed with and consumed by what they are consuming through their eye and ear gates.

But Biblical prophetic watchmen like Habbukuk and Ezekiel were consumed and obsessed with Yah and nothing else.

Let's take a look at what Scripture says about watchmen.

There are two versions of a watchman: 

- A physical watchman was a guard on top of the physical walls of Jerusalem, whose sole purpose was to watch for warning signs (imminent danger) of enemy armies approaching and sound the alarm (TURUAH) to let the people of the city know that an invasion was happening and imminent. 

Scripture references: 2 Samuel 18:24-27, 2 Kinds 9:17-20, Psalm 127:1.

- A prophetic/spiritual watchman - is also a guard, watchman, or sheepdog who climbs his/her spiritual watchtower (Habbakuk 2:1) to hear what Yahuah has to say, or what messages He has for the people. 

Isaiah 21:5-6, Ezekiel 3:17, Ezekiel 33:2-7

Continuing our conservation from above, like I said these watchmen were watching over Jerusalem and the people of Yisrael, and they were captivated by Yah and in deep intimacy with Him.

They were praying, inquiring of, and gazing upon Yahuah which is why they were able to see in the Spirit what was coming both for their time (judgments of the northern and southern kingdoms) and for the End Times. 

Watchmen operated from and out of the right Spirit, the Ruach Hakodesh or Holy Spirit. 

Watchmen are also considered nabis, prophets, seers, so they would receive dreams or visions in accordance with Numbers 12:6 

Num 12:6  And He said, “Hear now My words: If your prophet is of יהוה, I make Myself known to him in a vision, and I speak to him in a dream. 

Amo 3:6  If a ram’s horn is blown in a city, do the people not tremble? If there is calamity in a city, shall not יהוה have done it? 

Amo 3:7  For the Master יהוה does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. 

Some people were actually prophets, and others simply moved in the spirit of prophecy. 

What happens though when a watchman does not operate out of the right spirit? 

He/she becomes "the boy who cried wolf," every little flicker or flash of what the enemy is doing is suddenly elevated in their minds to "warning, imminent danger" status. 

I know because I was that guy, and it wasn't until Yah opened my eyes and ears to be able to see that I was operating out of the wrong spirit and it cost me dearly. 

I do not consider myself a prophet, however, based upon the Biblical references above I will just say that Yah has given me several dreams and visions regarding the Rona and the "cure" they've been administering since December 2020.

On February 16th, 2019 I was given a dream I called "The Event" It was about a mass die-off, it took place back home in Nebraska (where we reside now), and involved FEMA-like checkpoints at our local mall and me arguing with military personnel.

I did not handle this dream in the correct way, I should have taken it to Yah in prayer and asked for an interpretation and/or even a time frame like Daniel did several times. 

Instead, I just posted it said it may or may not be prophetic in nature, encouraged others to test it, and moved on. 

Fast forward to March 2020 when POTUS DJT, Dr. Burks, Dr. Fauci, and others were on stage at a press conference, and they were joined by members of the USPHS or the United States Public Health Service and guess what military uniforms I saw in my dream 13 months prior? The same ones.  

I responded frantically moved by the spirit of fear blowing the trumpet warning calls of "imminent danger," instead of going to Yah and asking Him what these things mean, and again for some type of timeframe. 

When the lockdowns began in cities, I thought it was the armies of the Beast invading, and that persecution was imminent!

Sadly, I was so consumed by fear that at times I was even afraid of going outside our home in Jacksonville,  FL because I thought we would be spotted by National Guard troops. 

I was right to warn people about the F@ke plandemic, but I was WRONG in the way that I did it. 

I was right to warn people about the soon-coming "solution," but again I was WRONG in the way that I did it. 

Because I didn't take my dream or these things happening with the lockdowns to PRAYER and ask Yah what they meant and how soon they would take place, I indeed became "The boy who cried wolf." 

Every flash or blip of the enemy I elevated to red status, DEFCON 1, imminent danger, imminent persecution etc. 

If you remember, I was even deceived by an altered screenshot of a date of 3/22/2020 given from the movie The Purge. 

I went off the deep end, I literally quit an almost $ 100,000-year career in the mortgage industry because I knew the jab was The Mark of the Beast, but I also believed economic collapse was imminent and that we were never come out of these "lockdowns." 

During this time between 2018-2020, I had been consumed by their Luciferic agendas more than I was with Yah. 

I got deep into the shape of the earth (which does have a purpose, but that's another discussion).

I got deep into seeing their symbolism everywhere, their numerical patterns, and their subliminal messages.

I would subject myself and others through my posts to Satanic activity all under the excuse of being a "watchman," and having to watch the enemy and what he is doing, so I can warn the people, but that is NOT what a watchman is supposed to do. 

A watchman is supposed to watch FOR the enemy, not watch and be consumed by the enemy and/or what he's doing. 

I used to get into arguments with people calling me to repent and stop advertising for Satan. 

I used to claim Ephesians 5:11 out of context with the best of them... 

Eph 5:11  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 

I used to justify my behavior of "exposing" the Illuminati and their Satanic rituals because of this verse which I took out of context.

I unfriended, blocked, or drove other people to block me just to shut them up because I was "on a mission from Yah" and I was a "watchman" and that's what I was supposed to do.

I was extremely prideful and self-righteous, it was my way or the highway; everyone else was wrong and I was the only one who had the right answer.

Around the Summer of 2020, in the midst of the Rona "pandemic," I received what I believe to be a word from Yah that I was and we were guilty of "feeding this beast."  Meaning that we were being so consumed by the evil and darkness happening in the world that we had forgotten to fulfill the Great Commission of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and making disciples.

I dialed back, I stopped sharing the satanic imagery, all the bad news as much etc. 

The Feeding this Beast teaching, I believe is still up on my original Brandon Muchmore FB page. 

Then, sometime in early 2022, Yah gave me a final word and warning about the true context of Ephesians 5:11 I was led to entitle it "Exposing or Exposed?" 

It was a warning and rebuke about whether was I "exposing the enemy" or exposing myself and others to satanic, demonic content opening portals of the spiritual realm etc.

I continue to see this pattern: 

We find out that Lucifer is a telegrapher, that he has to show us what's going to happen before he makes his move. 

Then people become literally obsessed and consumed by what he's doing that they forget to keep their eyes on the One seated upon the Thone of Heaven.

Then around Yah's feasts and the Shabbat, something controversial happens in the world, whether it be Bud-light, Target, KFC, etc and what happens? The believers end up sharing and spreading it under the same guise of "exposing" and "warning," but in reality, they too like me are advertising and sharing satan's gospel instead of Yah's gospel.

They say things like oh my gosh this is so disgusting, but then they share it on their public profile for all to see. 

We are to guard our eye and ear gates. 

Psa 119:37  Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way. 

What are we to think upon? 

Php 4:2  I appeal to Euodia and I appeal to Suntuche to be of the same mind in the Master. 

Php 4:3  And I also ask you, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the Good News, with Qlemes also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life. 

Php 4:4  Rejoice in יהוה always, again I say, rejoice! 

Php 4:5  Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Master is near. 

Php 4:6  Do not worry at all, but in every matter, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to Elohim. 

Php 4:7  And the peace of Elohim, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Messiah יהושע. 

Php 4:8  For the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is righteous, whatever is clean, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any uprightness and if there is any praise – think on these. 

Php 4:9  And what you have learned and received and heard and saw in me, practice these, and the Elohim of peace shall be with you. 

I literally had gotten to a place of such darkness (via Alice and Wonderland rabbit holes) that I ignored personal responsibilities as a husband and father. 

I was so depressed because I lost my two older daughters because I was operating out of this spirit of fear, that I was running from it all while just waiting for The End to come. 

Like Jonah, I was running. 

The La Palma volcano eruption happened, after watching all of the earthquakes, and again I was living under the same spirit of fear instead of believing and trusting Yah to lead and guide our family. 

What did we do? Up and left Florida costing my family many trials and tribulations. 

Again, I should have asked Yah for a time frame, but I didn't instead I acted immediately, blew the warning trumpet of the imminent judgment of Babylon and it didn't happen! 

Do I still believe that La Palma and a tsunami are involved in the judgment of Babylon? Yes, but I was operating out of the WRONG spirit. 

I ended up almost losing everything, including my family because I was so consumed by "The End." 

So please, take it from me, repent from operating from a spirit of fear. 

Repent of being consumed with what the enemy is doing and not consumed by what Yah is doing. 

Repent from the satanic images and videos that you've sent and shared with people. 

Go out and enjoy life, live every day like it's your last! 

Love your spouse and your children, raise them up to be mighty in Yah! 

I'm not saying to be oblivious to the nearness of The End we are, but enjoy and cherish time with your friends and family while you still can.

Repent from filling your heart and mind with darkness, and instead focus on the Light of the World and shine that Light that lives inside of you for all to see. 
