The purpose of this blog is to strike interest in people's hearts to want to go to God's throne room and ask for their own message to deliver.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
"What Our Father wants most" - child like belief.
Today I got home later than my normal time from work, about 7:30 PM.
I walk in the door kiss my beautiful wife Stephanie, and our daughter Abigail who is 10 months old.
As I am hugging both of them, Abigail grasps on to my shirt, motioning that she wants to come to me.
I gladly accept her grasping, and sit down with her on the couch to play.
She is perfectly content with over and over again just saying "Dada!, dada!" and I would respond "Abigail!"
This is exchange went on for about 10-15 minutes of just pure fellowship between a dad and his daughter.
I was quickened within my spirit by Ruah, that this is what the Father truly desires from us, pure interaction and fellowship between Him and His children.
Abigail can't say much right now, but she has been saying "Da da" for the past few months.
Yahusha said that unless we turn and become as little children, we shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens.
He also taught us how to pray: Our Father who is in the heavens, let Your Name be set-apart.
Abigail didn't want anything else from me, she just wanted to interact with her daddy.
I think deep down she KNOWS how much joy it brings me to hear her say "Dada!" and lay her little head on my chest.
Let's leave our list at home, and just desire the pure fellowship with Our Father who is in the heavens.
Let us recognize how much joy it brings Him when we just acknowledge His presence, and become like a little child.
Let's just bring Him the satisfaction of calling Him Father, Daddy, Dada, Papa.
In return just as I would say Abigail's name over and over again, He will do the same for us, and our hearts will be filled with the same amount of joy as Abigail's.
This is how our Father longs for our interaction with Him.
Just like Abigail, let us show Our Father how we long for Him, missed Him while we’re at work, and couldn’t wait to spend time with Him again once we’re back home.
- Achy Brandon
Mattithyahu 18:1-5
1 At that time the taught ones came to יהושע, saying, “Who, then, is greatest in the reign of the heavens?”
2 And יהושע called a little child to Him, set him in their midst,
3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens.
4 “Whoever then humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the reign of the heavens.
5 “And whoever receives one little child like this in My Name receives Me.
Mattithyahu 6:9
9“This, then, is the way you should pray: ‘Our Father who is in the heavens, let Your Name be set-apart,