The purpose of this blog is to strike interest in people's hearts to want to go to God's throne room and ask for their own message to deliver.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
What territory has the Lord given you?
Joshua 10 lists all of the victories that the Lord won for the Israelites. Joshua 10:42-Joshua took all these kings and their land at one time, because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel. See what we have to realize is that the Lord has already won the victory, we just have to go behind Him and walk in it. What I think the Lord is saying to Lighthouse Assembly of God is that "I've already won the Paxon area and I already know the boundaries which I have given you for possession" Just as the Lord told Joshua to take the land, we must also take the land that is ours. The sin in that area, that community, will not win. The prostitution, drugs, alcohol, abuse, violence will not get the victory. We stand firm today and march around our Jericho and with a great shout and trumpet blast of war the walls of this community will come tumbling down. No matter what the devil may throw at us, we must stand firm leaning on Jesus and abiding in Him. He is our strong hold and refuge in times of need. I thank you Lord that you are drawing the people of Paxon back to you and that You have already gone before us and have won the victory at the cross.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Proverbs 6:16-19
These six things the Lord hates, Yes seven are an abomination to Him; A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
The key verse that I want to highlight in this is verse 17 Hands that shed innocent blood of any kind are an abomination to the Lord. Abortion is the one that I want to focus on the most. Abortion is an abomination, it is murder there is no question. I am thankful to a couple in the church that I go to, that no matter what the doctors were saying about their baby and the difficulties she was going to have, they decided to not have an abortion and they by Faith allowed the Lord to bring their daughter into life and not to take her life from her. What kind of ministry are they going to have one day ?? A really powerful one I tell you. Their daughter even more so I believe, our enemy was trying to attack her even during her dedication yesterday at church. I am not at all equating this little girl with Jesus, but the last time I heard of the enemy trying to kill someone right after they were born before they could even speak, was when Herod told the Roman soldiers to kill every male child 2 years and younger, so that he could wipe out this King of The Jews(Herod was influenced by the devil). What kind of ministry is this little girl going to have ? How many people will she lead to the Lord ? How many people will her parents lead others to the Lord and to choose life instead of abortion? I tell you our God works in mighty and mysterious ways. The bottom line is choose life!!!
The key verse that I want to highlight in this is verse 17 Hands that shed innocent blood of any kind are an abomination to the Lord. Abortion is the one that I want to focus on the most. Abortion is an abomination, it is murder there is no question. I am thankful to a couple in the church that I go to, that no matter what the doctors were saying about their baby and the difficulties she was going to have, they decided to not have an abortion and they by Faith allowed the Lord to bring their daughter into life and not to take her life from her. What kind of ministry are they going to have one day ?? A really powerful one I tell you. Their daughter even more so I believe, our enemy was trying to attack her even during her dedication yesterday at church. I am not at all equating this little girl with Jesus, but the last time I heard of the enemy trying to kill someone right after they were born before they could even speak, was when Herod told the Roman soldiers to kill every male child 2 years and younger, so that he could wipe out this King of The Jews(Herod was influenced by the devil). What kind of ministry is this little girl going to have ? How many people will she lead to the Lord ? How many people will her parents lead others to the Lord and to choose life instead of abortion? I tell you our God works in mighty and mysterious ways. The bottom line is choose life!!!